听见爱(I “Heard” the Love)
when i was growing up i do not recall hearing the words “i love you” from my father. when your father never says them to you when you are a child, it gets tougher and tougher for him to say those words as he gets older. to tell the truth, i could not honestly remember when i had last said those words to him either. i decided to set my ego aside and make the first move. after some hesitation, in our next phone conversation i blurted out the words, “dad… i love you!”
there was a silence at the other end and he awkwardly replied, “well, same back at ya!”i chuckled and said, “dad, i know you love me, and when you are ready, i know you will say what you want to say.” fifteen minutes later my mother called and nervously asked, “paul, is everything okay?”a few weeks later, dad concluded our phone conversation with the words, “paul, i love you.” i was at work during this conversation and the tears were rolling down my cheeks as i finally “heard” the love. as we both sat there in tears we realized that this special moment had taken our father/son relationship to a new level.
a short while after this special moment, my father narrowly escaped death following heart surgery. many times since, i have pondered the thought, if i did not take the first step and dad did not survive the surgery, i would have never “heard” the love.
- I Love this Game,I Love this Game范文
- 我喜欢这个游戏(I Love this Game)
- 妈妈,我爱你(Mom I Love You)
- 父亲的爱-Fathers Love
- 可爱的小猫-A Lovely Cat
- 性与爱-On Sex and Love
- I Love this Game
- 融情入景:我爱你——黄河!-I Love You——the Yellow Riv.
- 缘情设景:爱的奉献-The Devotion of Love
- 咏物抒情:可爱的小猫-My lovely Kitten
- 赞成广告论(The Case for Advertising)
- 妈妈与孩子(Mother and child)
- 祝贺获得好成绩(Congratulations on Tom's Success)
- 农业科学(Science of Farming)
- 性教育始自家庭(Sex Education Begins at Home)