女人的位置(The Place of Women)
i shall at tempt to convince you that tile place of women is in the home. the family is the unit of society and the mother is the center of the family. how can the family keep together if the mother is out at work all day?
the government recognizes the need for women to he in the home by giving taxation concessions for the housewife. every year, we also celebrate mother's day with gifts and with songs and poems praising motherhood.
it can be seen that with the accelerating deterioration eviden in family life today, the time is not far distant when, with the disappearance of the family, the human race will cease to exist.
in any case, women prefer to be at home. no person really wants to work. to be able to sit at home and gossip or read is every woman's ambition. it would be a kindness to forbid women to work outside the home.
from these arguments, there can be no doubt that society is best served when women are compelled to stay at home and look after their children.
- WomenareDemandingEqualityWithMen(妇女要求男女平等)
- Women are Demanding Equality With Men(妇女要求男女平等)
- Should Men and Women Be Equal?-男女应该平等吗?,Should Men an
- 男女应该平等吗?-Should Men and Women Be Equal?
- 女人的位置-The Place of Women
- 妇女要求男女平等(Women are Demanding Equality With Men)
- 女人受到时装的剥削(Women Are Exploited by New Fashions in CI
- 男女应该平等吗?(Should Men and Women Be Equal?)
- 现代社会中的女人(Woman in Modern Society)
- 爱只是一根线(Love is just a line)
- 代沟的成因(The Causes of the Generation Gap)
- 孩子的明星梦(A Child's Dream of a Star)
- 爱情的见证(Loves Witness)
- 中国发展的关键——控制生育