一个朋友(A Friend)(2)
he gave me so much and i knew so little about him. he had been my friend and now i had lost him without having had the chance to give anything back. he had been so strong that he was able to give whatever had happened.
i felt weak in those days. and guilty. but after that i started to care for the people around me. i think i started to live.
- 学生应该有网友吗?(Should students make friends on line ?)
- 看图描写你朋友的一些生活状况
- 写回信,朋友来旅游
- 写回信,朋友来旅游,写回信,朋友来旅游范文
- 好朋友邀你去歌厅(KTV)唱歌,你们一晚上唱得很尽兴。你用日记
- 下午数学考试,你成绩不好,心情郁闷.下午几个好朋友邀你去操场打
- My Friend(我的朋友),My Friend(我的朋友)范文
- How to Make Friends(如何交朋友),How to Make Friends(如何交朋
- 真正的朋友(My true friend)
- Should students make friends on line ?(学生应该网上交友吗?)
- 在你心目中,什么才是美?(What is beauty in your mind?)
- 成功的四个步骤(Four Steps to a Successful)
- 马克吐温(Mark Twain)
- 我们学校充满爱(Our School--Full of Love)
- 合理决定(Reasonable Decision)