

    A. Title: How To Improve Or Reform Our Current College Entrance Examination System.
    B. Time limit: 40 minutes
    C. Word limit: about 200 words
    D. Your essay should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II.
    E. Your essay should be based on the information given below.
    Statistics show that no more than 40% of people who take the college entrance exams pass. Because a college education is regarded as the key to a successful career, this puts enormous pressure on the applicants. It also causes social problems, as those who fail consider that they have disgraced their families.
    It seems to me that the exams are unfair, for three reasons: First, applicants with different abilities are faced with the same type of exam paper, second, the results of a mere three days of examination affect the applicant’s whole future; and third, applicants who can afford private tutors usually score higher marks than those who are poorer, but perhaps more intelligent.
    To improve the system of college entrance exams, I suggest the following steps: the exam papers should be graded to take into account the different levels of ability and the different backgrounds of the applicants; in addition to the actual exam, a complete assessment of the applicant’s educational achievements should be made; and tutoring in examination techniques should be made available to all.


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