求助留言:求朋友写介绍信-A Note Asking a Friend to Write an I
A Note Asking a Friend to Write an Introducing Letter
Friday morning
Dear Yang Hong,
I'm going on a trip to Beijing by train tomorrow. But I'm afraid that Beijing is too strange to me. Will you please write for me a letter of introduction to your aunt, from whom I expect to get some help there. Sorry for the trouble.
Yours ever,
求助留言(message note for help)是为了求别人帮忙而写的。所以,一定要把在哪方面需要得到帮助写明,如请求某人代劳取物、查询、代购以及向人借钱、物等。由于篇幅有限,不必将前因后果写得过于清楚。结尾可用一些简单的客套话,如“Thank you”,“Sorry for the trouble”等。
- 留言条-Notes Left
- 小小说:误送的留言条-A Note Wrongly Sent
- 访友不遇留言:安排工作-Arrangement of Work
- 介绍信:介绍联系人找野营地-Help the Letter Bearer① Fi.
- 留言条:通知开会-Informing of Being Present at t.
- 电话留言:约会-Appointment
- 黑板留言:邀请参加晚餐会-An Invitation to a Dinner
- 借物留言:借书-A Note Left for Borrowing a Book.
- 介绍信:介绍联系人找野营地-Help the Letter Bearer① Find a Ca
- 留言条:通知开会-Informing of Being Present at the Meeting
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- 妈妈与孩子(Mother and child)
- 祝贺获得好成绩(Congratulations on Tom's Success)
- 赞成广告论(The Case for Advertising)