A Trip to the Summer Palace,A Trip to the Summer Palace范文(2)
All the way I was listening to Mozart's clarinet concerto and Beethoven's violin sonata "spring", lively reflection of the very essence of the landscape here; a blending of heavenly joy that is innocent and shining and meditative serenity that is sublime and purifying and therefore formed an exquisite tension so that you never felt tired of either.
Admittedly, it is impossible to fully enjoy all the beauty of Summer Palace in a brief day. But that's enough for it to in scribe a lasting memory in my mind of its intoxicating pleasure and sweet melancholy.
简 评
游山玩水,美在眼里,美在心中。然而,要将自己眼里心中之美流诸笔端、形于纸上并与读者共赏却非易事。这篇优美的游记以自然的游览顺序为线索:“around 9 o'clock'’到颐和园;“soon”到佛香阁;“Going down the Longevity Hill”我又到了长廊;最后由“all the way"收束全篇,脉络分明,结构清楚。在游记的每一部分,描写记述各有侧重:刚到颐和园,重点写园内的宁静;登上佛香阁,重点写人文建筑与自然山水的交融;及至万寿山与昆明湖与长廊,则重点写天水一色,碧莲浮波。另外,作者很善于对比法的使用:写园内的宁静先写园外的喧嚣。园外的车水马龙与园内的松
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