Spare the Rod,Spare the Rod范文(2)
Please spare the rod.
简 评
本文的最大特色在于,作者借用多种写作技巧和论证方法将自己的感情融入议论之中。如引用权威——弗洛伊德的理论谴责体罚将造成孩子性格扭曲时说,“this is nokidding'’,义正词严;强调体罚的伤害时,用“severe punishment breaks their heart,destroy their trust,rough their temper,make them conservative,and isolate them from the world'’的排比,唤起了读者的深深忧虑;对父母体罚心态的深入讨论,也是声情并茂;各段末“spare the rod"祈使句的反复使用,强化了文章的感染力。此外还运用了比喻、描写等手法,达到了动之以情,晓之以理的写作效果。
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