莱特兄弟the Wright Brothers


the Wright Brothers

For thousands of years, men couldn't fly like birds in the sky. But the Wright brothers were men of perseverance. they showed GREat enthusiasm in their new idea. they did what others couldn't do. Although they were not educated men, they had never given up their dream. People all over the world were excited with joy at their success. In fact, before the first plane rose into the sky,they had failed many times. their perseverance is the best model to all of us.


    • 莱特兄弟(The Wright Brothers)
    • 温暖的花(Warm Flowers)
    • 我喜欢音乐(I like music)
    • 我的物理老师(My Physics Teacher)
    • 我的背包(My Backpack)
    • 我是这样学习英语的-I Learn English Like This
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