Develop Quality》Oriented Education,Develop Quality》Oriente


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Develop Quality》Oriented Education
The drawbacks of testWentered system of education has long been noticed. Test oriented teaching fails to foster (培养) creativity or inidual talent. Students cannot enjoy the beauty of leaning, because scoring high in tests is their first concern. The way teachers teach is time-consuming with slow results. Consequently graduates can not put knowledge into practice.
To maintain a better position in the approaching information age, we must realize that developing quality-oriented education is an urgent task. The new age calls for open-minded, creative and enthusiastic studentsg Their humanity qualities and practical skillB ought to be in parallel with knowledge. Otherwise China will lag behind.
Having identified the urgency, we must find solutions. Schools should change teaching concepts and improve teaching methods. Teaching methods should facilitate (有助于)the development of the interest of students and help them to form the good habit of learning by themselves. After class, students should update their proficiency (精通,熟练)through self teaching and practical use.
核心剖析 本篇议论文具有较强的说服力。根据提纲安排,各段开头直截了当地引出段落大意,观点鲜明、准确。论据确凿、典型,增强了论证的力度和效度。论证充分、逻辑性强、层次分明,使人折服、从中受到启发和教育。

Develop Quality》Oriented Education 英语作文网整理收集 作文网


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