指路(Giving directions)


指路(Giving directions)
  Last weekend when I was on the street a Foreigner stopped me to ask directions. Even Though I listen to the English radio station quite Often, but when the man spoke I still had trouble Listening to him; he spoke so fast! I was so excited And nervous that I to k a long breath before I could answer. Actually my mouth could not talk fast enough for all the words going through my head. I took my pen and a piece of paper out to draw a rough map for him. After a few short remarks of thanks and courtesies he took my map and left. Everything took place within ten minutes, but I felt this short exchange was the opening of a bright new world to me


    • 道歉Apologizing and Giving Explanations
    • Correct Directions辨明方向
    • 说明书-Directions
    • 辨明方向(Correct Directions)
    • 指路(Giving directions)
    • 马克吐温(Mark Twain)
    • 我们学校充满爱(Our School--Full of Love)
    • 合理决定(Reasonable Decision)
    • 在你心目中,什么才是美?(What is beauty in your mind?)
    • 成功的四个步骤(Four Steps to a Successful)
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