

    书信一般为私人信函(Personal/Informal letters)和正式信函即公文信函(Bussiness/Formal letters)。英文书信从信封到正文,其格式与汉语有很多不同。书信通常由下面几个部分构成:
1)信头(Heading) 指寄信人的地址和写信日期,通常写在信纸的右上角。地址的书写顺序与汉语相反,即由小到大。第一行写门牌和路(街)名;第二行写县、市名及邮政编码。若寄往国外,则应写清国名(如果县、市、省和国名写在同一行,彼此应用逗号隔开);第三行写日期,日期有两种写法,如 3 May, 2000(英式)或May 3rd,2000(美式)。亲友之间通信可省去地址,但必须写日期。
No.1 Middle School
23 Xiaogoutou
Lanzhou, Gansu, 730030, China
August 10, 2000
No.1 Middle School
23 Xiaogoutou
Lanzhou, Gansu, 730030, China
August 10, 2000
2)信内地址(Inside address)用于公文信函。将收信人的姓名、地址写在左上方,位置比信头低一至二行,其顺序与寄信人地址顺序相同。私人信件一般不写信内地址。
3)称呼(Greeting/Salutation) 一般顶格写在上一项下面空一两行的左上角。一般要有用“Dear…”开头,如 Dear Tom, Dear Daddy,My dear Peter 等用于很熟悉的亲友。对相识的,知道姓氏的人,根据性别可称:Dear Mr…(姓),Dear Miss…(姓),Dear Mrs…(夫姓)。有头衔的可称:Dear Professor…,Dear Doctor…,对不大熟悉或不知姓名的男子可用Dear Sir,对女子可用Dear Madam。称呼语后一般用逗号,正式信函后用冒号。
5)结尾的谦称(Ending/Closing)在正文下方一至二行的地方,从中间写起,如 Yours,Yours truly等。首字母要大写,末尾用逗号。
6)签名(Signature) 应低于谦称下一至二行。如打字,则空出签名部分的位置:亲笔签名。也可先用打字机打出姓名,然后再签名。
附一 常用结尾谦称语
1)对父母或家人:Yours affectionately; Yours, Your loving son; Love; Affectionally yours等。
2)对年长者、老师或上级:Yours repectfully; Yours obediently.
3)对同学、朋友: Yours sincerely; Your friend; Yours;Sincerely 等。
4)公文信函或对不相识的人: Yours truly; Very truly yours;Yours respectfully; Sincerely yours 等。
【范例】  假定你的名子叫王英,女,17岁。是高三即将毕业的同学,爱好集邮、打乒乓球、旅游、学习英语等等。请你给 BBC English杂志用英语写一封信,请求该杂志为你找一位笔友(penpal),条件是年龄、爱好(hobby)与你相仿。要求:100词左右
“BBC”通讯地址:“BBC English Magazine”, BBC English by Radio and Television, PO Box 76, Bush House London.
26, Guangdong Road
Hexi District
Tianjin, China
Dec. 16, 1999
BBC English Magazine
PO Box 76, Bush House
London, England
Dear Sir,
I'm very glad to read your magazine“BBC English”. I have found it both interesting and rewarding. The part I'm most interested in is the one about finding pen-pals for English learners all over the world. My name is Wang Ying,a girl of seventeen. I am spending my last year in school. My hobbies are collecting stamps, playing table tennis, sightseeing and learning English. Would you be kind enough to put my name on the list for the selection of pen-pals whose hobbies and age are hopefully the same as mine? Thank you.


  • The Business Letter-商业书信,The Business Letter-商业书信范
  • 商业书信-The Business Letter
  • 书信式通知:通知更改地址-Notifying the Magazine Office of the
  • 书信式通知:通知机场物品遗失-Notifying the Airport of Somethi
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  • 祝贺获得好成绩(Congratulations on Tom's Success)
  • 农业科学(Science of Farming)
  • 性教育始自家庭(Sex Education Begins at Home)
  • 妈妈与孩子(Mother and child)
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